Roles and Expectations
Tutors are the secondary point of contact in the course.
Tutors’ roles include:
- Helping with section on MWF
- Holding office hours
- Answering questions on the class forum.
- Assisting with the proctoring of exams.
Tutors’ responsibilities include:
- Attending section
- Reviewing the day’s materials before attending section
- Within section, fielding and answering student questions during unstructured work time
- Being present on the class forum during their assigned time.
- Attending a weekly/biweekly meeting with the instructors
Readers are the primary graders in the course.
Readers are responsible for:
- Grading their assigned work in a timely manner
- Resolving regrade requests in a timely manner
- Attending a weekly/biweekly meeting held by the instructors which is meant to track their progress.
Instructors are the primary point of contact in the course.
The roles of instructors include:
- Designing the course syllabus
- Leading one, two or three sections on MWF
- Creating and disseminating course materials. These includes, but are not limited to:
- Labs
- Problem Sets
- In-class slides and handouts
- Quizzes and Exams
- Review material
- (to the tutors) solutions to these course materials
- Holding office hours
- Maintaining the course website
- Answering questions on the class forum.
- Administering exams
- Posting final grades.
Instructor responsibilities include:
- Assigning tutors to sections
- Preparing a general lesson plan for each day of section and disseminating this plan to the tutors by a reasonable time before section
- Disseminating solutions to in-class handouts, labs and problem sets to tutors by the time of assignment release
- During class, walking around to groups and assessing their understanding of the material, as well as fielding and answering student questions
- Creating rubrics for labs
- Communicating with readers with regards to grading questions
- Setting up meetings with tutors and readers regularly (weekly or biweekly)
- Granting assignment extensions
- Resolving exam conflicts
- Arranging student accommodations